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= Aramäischer Kalender =
= Aramäischer Kalender =

Aktuelle Version vom 27. November 2016, 21:58 Uhr

Benutzer:Christian/Grigorie Sinaitul + Benutzer:Christian/Iacob Persul

Aramäischer Kalender

Griechischer Kalender

  • Μεγαλομάρτυρος Ιακώβου του Πέρσου (†421)
  • Οσίων Μωυσέως, Ναθαναήλ, Πινουφρίου και Ιακώβου του Ρώσου

Ιάκωβος ο Πέρσης

Ο Ιάκωβος ο Πέρσης έζησε περί τα τέλη του 4ου αιώνα στη πόλη Βηθλαβά, υπήρξε δε στενός φίλος του Πέρση Βασιλέα Ισδιγέρδη προς χάριν του οποίου και απαρνήθηκε τον Χριστιανισμό.
Αργότερα όμως μετανόησε και επανήλθε στην αρχική του θρησκεία. Για τον λόγο αυτόν και παρά τη προηγούμενη φιλία ο Ισδιγέρδης, πιθανώς εκλαμβάνοντας το γεγονός ως διακοπή της αφοσίωσης προς το πρόσωπό του, διέταξε το θάνατό του διά τεμαχισμού.

Η μνήμη του τιμάται στις 27 Νοεμβρίου.

Georgischer Kalender

იაკობ სპარსი

thumb|250px|წმინდა იაკობ სპარსი იაკობ სპარსიმართლმადიდებელი ეკლესიის წმინდანი, ხსენების დღე არის ძველი სტილით 27 ნოემბერი, ახალი სტილით - 10 დეკემბერი.


წმინდა დიდმოწამე იაკობ სპარსი სპარსეთის ქალაქ ბეთ-ლაპეტში მცხოვრები მდიდარი და დიდებული ქრისტიანული ოჯახიდან იყო და ცოლადაც მართლმორწმუნე ქალი ჰყავდა. მეუღლეები შვილებს კეთილმსახურებით ზრდიდნენ და ლოცვისა და წმინდა წერილის სიყვარულს უნერგავდნენ. იაკობს სპარსეთის სამეფო კარზე მაღალი თანამდებობა ეკავა. ერთხელ, ლაშქრობის დროს, იგი მოიხიბლა მეფის გულმოწყალებით, ვერ გაბედა საჯაროდ ეღიარებინა თავისი სარწმუნოება და უსჯულო ხელისუფალთან ერთად კერპებს მსხვერპლი შესწირა. იაკობის ცოლმა და დედამ ეს რომ შეიტყვეს, ძლიერ დამწუხრდნენ, მამხილებელი წერილით მიმართეს მას და სინანულისკენ მოუწოდეს. წერილი რომ წაიკითხა, იაკობი ხმამაღლა ატირდა და ღმერთს პატიება შესთხოვა. წმინდანის თანამებრძოლებმა გაიგონეს, როგორ ლოცულობდა იგი ქრისტეს მიმართ და მეფესთან დაასმინეს. სულიწმიდით განმტკიცებულმა იაკობმა დაკითხვაზე მხნედ აღიარა ქრისტე. ამჯერად მეფის ვერანაირმა მუქარამ და შეგონებამ ვერ გადადრიკა იგი ჭეშმარიტი სარწმუნოებისაგან. მაშინ რისხვით აღსავსე თვითმპყრობელმა ბრძანა, ნეტარისთვის წამებით ამოეხადათ სული. იაკობს თითო-თითოდ მოჰკვეთეს ჯერ ხელისა და ფეხის თითები, შემდეგ კი ხელ-ფეხი. წმინდანი დაუდუმებლად ლოცულობდა და მადლობას სწირავდა ღმერთს იმისთვის, რომ ჩადენილი ცოდვის ტანჯვით გამოსყიდვის საშუალება მიეცა. ბოლოს ნეტარ მოწამეს თავი მოჰკვეთეს, ეს მოხდა 421 წელს.


„წმიდანთა ცხოვრება“, ტომი IV, თბილისი, 2003 წ.

Bulgarischer Kalender

Mazedonischer Kalender

Serbischer Kalender

Bürgerliches Datum bei Benutzung des Julianischen Kalenders:



James was born of Christian parents in the Persian city of Elapa (or Vilat), brought up in the Christian Faith and married to a Christian woman. The Persian King Yezdegeherd took a liking to James for his talents and skillfulness, and made him a noble at his court. Flattered by the king, James was deluded and began offering sacrifices to the idols that the king worshiped. His mother and wife learned of this, and wrote him a letter of reproach in which they grieved over him as an apostate and one who was spiritually dead. Yet, at the end of the letter, they begged him to repent and return to Christ. Moved by this letter, James repented bitterly, and courageously confessed his faith in Christ the Lord to the king. Angered, the king condemned him to death by a special torture: his entire body was to be cut up, piece by piece, until he breathed his last. The executioners fulfilled this command of the wicked king to the letter, and cut off James's fingers, then his toes, his legs and arms, his shoulders, and finally his head. During every cutting, the repentant martyr gave thanks to God. A sweet-smelling fragrance, as of a cypress, emanated from the wounds. Thus, this wonderful man repented of his sin and presented his soul to Christ his God in the Kingdom of Heaven. James suffered in about the year 400 A.D. His head is to be found in Rome and a part of his relics in Portugal, where he is commemorated on May 22.


They were Christian monks who suffered at the hands of the Indian King Abenner. Enraged at Elder Barlaam because he baptized his son, Ioasaph, King Abenner sent men in pursuit of him. The pursuers did not capture Barlaam, but captured seventeen other monks and brought them to the king. The king condemned them to death and his men plucked out their eyes, severed their tongues, broke their arms and legs, and then beheaded them. Even so, the Christian Faith in the Kingdom of India was strengthened all the more by the blood of these knights of Christ.


Romanus lived a life of asceticism in the vicinity of Antioch. He never kindled a fire or lit a candle in his cell. He reposed peacefully, and was a miracle-worker both during his life and after his death. He intercedes for barren women when they offer prayer to him.


Pinuphrius was a contemporary of St. John Cassian (February 29) and a great Egyptian ascetic. He lived in the fourth century and carried out his life of asceticism in various places, always fleeing the praise of men. He had many disciples, who strove to imitate the lofty example of their teacher.


Nathaniel was a Nitrian monk. He prayed to God both day and night, and was enlightened by the contemplation of divine matters. He neither left his cell nor even crossed the threshold for a full thirty-eight years. He entered into rest in the Lord in the second half of the sixth century.



The Creator does not lose repentant souls:

He loves a true penitent the most.

James denied Christ the Living God

For the sake of the godless emperor, his flatterer.

His mother reproached him as did his wife:

"All the riches of the earth are as transient as foam."

James repented, and bitterly repented,

Then openly spoke about what he had kept secret:

"A Christian I was, and again I am a Christian:

Foolish and weak are your idols!"

This James said, as he stood before the emperor;

This he said openly and remained true to it.

The emperor took all his imperial gifts from him,

And clothed the wondrous James with torture.

James was reddened with wounds and blood,

And like eagles on a carcass, men attacked him!

They dismembered the body of Christ's hero,

And cut St. James into bits.

Now James prays before God in Paradise

That all Christians overcome all attacks.


When the executioners severed the thumb of St. James's right hand, he said: "Even a vine is pruned in this manner, so that in time a young branch may grow." At the severing of his second finger, he said: "Receive also, O Lord, the second branch of Thy sowing." At the severing of his third finger, he said: "I bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." At the severing of his fourth finger, he said: "O Thou who acceptest the praise of the four beasts [symbols of the four evangelists], accept the suffering of the fourth finger." At the severing of the fifth finger, he said: "May my rejoicing be fulfilled as that of the five wise virgins at the wedding feast." During the severing of the sixth finger, he said: "Thanks be to Thee, O Lord, Who at the sixth hour stretched out Thy most pure arms on the Cross, that Thou hast made me worthy to offer Thee my sixth finger." At the severing of the seventh finger, he said: "Like David who praised Thee seven times daily, I praise Thee through the seventh finger severed for Thy sake." At the severing of the eighth finger, he said: "On the eighth day Thou Thyself, O Lord, wast circumcised." At the severing of the ninth finger, he said: "At the ninth hour, Thou didst commend Thy spirit into the hands of Thy Father, O my Christ, and I offer Thee thanks during the suffering of my ninth finger." At the severing of the tenth finger, he said: "On a ten-stringed harp I sing to Thee, O God, and thank Thee that Thou hast made me worthy to endure the severing of the ten fingers of my two hands, for the Ten Commandments written on two tablets." Oh, what wonderful faith and love! Oh, the noble soul of this knight of Christ!


Contemplate the wonderful Paradise of God (Genesis 2):

1. How most beautiful was Paradise, both within and without;

2. How all living things in Paradise were unconditionally submissive to man and man to God;

3. How most beautiful were the first man and woman in Paradise, conscious of God's presence and of God's authority.


on the perfect man

… Till we all come in the unity of the Faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

The unity of the Faith, brethren, and the knowledge of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ the Savior, unites two men into one man, a thousand people into one man, and many millions of people into one man. The unity of Faith in Christ the Lord, and the true Orthodox knowledge of Christ the Lord, unites men more strongly than blood, more strongly than language, more strongly than all external circumstances and material bonds. When many souls think as one and the same, will as one and the same, and desire as one and the same, then these many souls are as one soul, one great and mighty soul. Physical differences in this case mean little, and are hardly to be taken into consideration. Thus, the same souls are built up into a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. The parts of the perfect whole are themselves perfect. Every Christian soul is a part of the perfect man. Christ is the Perfect Man of Whom the Church is the Mystical Body. He fills everyone who believes in Him with Himself, according to the measure of the stature of each. He is the fullness beyond all fullness, the living fount that flows and fills every worthy space. Inasmuch as a man empties himself of everything that is not of Christ, Christ will enter into him and fill him accordingly.

O my brethren, deep humility is needed in addition to strong faith, so that the Living Water may be poured into us. Even in nature, we see that water easily irrigates the lowlands. So, the more lowly our humiliation is before the Lord Jesus, the more willingly He pours Himself into us, irrigates us with His life-giving Self, and fills us as His vessel with the fullness of His immortality.

O Lord Jesus, Thou fullness of life, wisdom, beauty and sweetness, help us to humble ourselves before Thy Divine Majesty, that we may be made worthy of Thy visitation.

To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.

Јаков Персијанац

мини|Јаков Персијанац Јаков Персијанац је хришћански мученик и светитељ. Рођен је у Персији, у граду Клапи. Живео је у хришћанској породици и тако од малих ногу васпитан. Персијски Цар Издигерд га је поставио за племића на двору. Због свог положаја био је принуђен да као и остала властела принесе жртву идолима, којима се и цар клањао. Чувши за ово његова мати и жена, написале му писмо, у коме су га оплакале као богоотпадника и душевног мртваца, молећи га ипак при крају писма, да се покаје и врати Христу. Ганут овим писмом Јаков се горко покајао и пред царем одважно исповедио веру своју у Исуса Христа. Расрђени цар осудио га је на смрт, и то тако да му се одсеца све део по део тела, док не издахне. При сваком сечењу Јаков је благодарио Богу. Ово мучеништво десило се 421. године.

Православна црква прославља светог Јакова 27. новембра по јулијанском календару.

Russischer Kalender

Иаков Персянин


Иаков Персянин (деталь новгородской иконы, XV век)

Иаков Персянин (Vorlage:Lang-el, Иаков Рассеченный; † 421) — христианский святой святой, великомученик, память совершается в Православной церкви 27 ноября (по юлианскому календарю), в Католической церкви27 ноября.

Иаков был родом из Персии, происходил из христианской семьи. Согласно житию, занимал высокую должность при дворе персидского царя Йездегерда. Однажды, под влиянием многочисленных царских милостей принёс вместе с царём жертву идолу. Узнавшие об этом жена и дети Иакова написали ему письмо с упрёками:

Vorlage:Начало цитаты

Несчастный, зачем ты из-за человеческой славы оставил Бога, Царя Небесного? Знай же, если ты не отвратишься от диавольской прелести, то не будешь иметь общения с нами, ибо мы не хотим и видеть тебя идолопоклонником. Vorlage:Конец цитаты

Прочитав его Иаков, раскаявшись, стал молиться Иисусу Христу, о чём язычники доложили царю. Иаков открыто исповедал себя христианином, за что был подвергнут жестоким пыткам. Житие сообщает, что Иакову отрезали по одному пальцы на руках и ногах, а он после отсечения каждого лишь только возносил молитвы. Видя упорство святого, ему отсекли голову. thumb|left|

Мученичество св. Иакова

Христиане отправили его мощи в Иерусалим, а затем в первой половине V века их перенесли в Табенну. Голова его при папе Евгении IV была помещена в Ватиканской базилике, в которой и находится до настоящего времени.



Rumänischer Kalender

Sfinții zilei

Sf. Mare Mucenic Iacov Persul Sf. Cuvios Pinufrie Sf. Cuvios Natanael


2013: Părintele Porfirie (Bairaktari) este înscris în rândul sfinților de Patriarhia Ecumenică de la Constantinopol, cu prăznuire pe 2 decembrie.


  • 1764: S-a născut Naum Râmniceanu, protosinghel, călugăr la Mănăstirea Hurezi (1784), apoi la Mănăstirea Cernica, unde se crede că a murit în anul 1838.
  • 1884: S-a născut la Pârscov (județul Buzău) poetul creștin ortodox Vasile Voiculescu. A murit la 26 aprilie 1963.




Sinaxar 27 Noiembrie

În această lună, în ziua a douăzeci şi şaptea, pomenirea Sfântului Marelui Mucenic Iacov Persul.

Acesta a trăit pe vremea lui Onoriu şi Arcadie, împăraţi creştini, în anii 395. Creştin de la strămoşii săi, locuind în cetatea perşilor ce se numea Bitlava, în ţara eluzişiilor, de neam cinstit şi luminat, şi foarte iubit de Izdegherd împăratul perşilor. Şi pentru că era iubit de el foarte, s-a lepădat de credinţa lui Hristos şi s-a tras împreună cu împăratul la pierzare. Deci s-au înstrăinat mama-sa şi femeia lui de dânsul, căci a ales mai mult dragostea împăratului decât a lui Hristos, şi pentru mărirea trecătoare a dobândit ruşine veşnică şi osândă, cum îi scriau ele. Din aceste cuvinte umilindu-se cu sufletul, s-a depărtat de legea cea deşartă a împăratului şi plângea că s-a despărţit de Hristos. Drept aceea stând înaintea împăratului, a mărturisit credinţa cea în Hristos. Iar împăratul, mâniindu-se foarte asupra lui, a poruncit ca să-i taie fiecare încheietură a mădularelor trupului lui. Deci tăindu-l tot bucăţi, de prin toate încheieturile trupului, ale mâinilor, ale picioarelor şi ale braţelor, i-a rămas numai capul şi pântecele. După aceea i-au tăiat şi capul. Şi aşa a luat de trei ori fericitul cununa nevoinţei cea nestricăcioasă.

Tot în această zi pomenirea Preacuviosului Pinufrie, care cu pace s-a săvârşit.

Tot în această zi, pomenirea Preacuviosului Părintelui nostru Natanael de la Nitria, care cu pace s-a săvârşit.

Tot în această zi, pomenirea sfântului Moise cel din Palestina, care cu pace s-a săvârşit.

Cu ale lor sfinte rugăciuni, Doamne, miluieşte-ne şi ne mântuieşte pe noi. Amin.

Iacob Persul

Iacob Persul (d. 421) este un sfânt persan. Supranumele său, Intercisus, derivă din cuvântul latin pentru "tăiat în bucăți", care se referă la modul în care a fost martirizat: el a fost tăiat pe rând în 28 de bucăți. I s-au tăiat mâinile și picioarele, dar a supraviețuit, și a fost în cele din urmă decapitat.

Provenea dintr-o familie creștină, el însuși fiind creștin. După tradiție, a fost un ofițer militar și a ocupat funcții înalte în administrația persană, fiind curtean al regelui persan Yazdegerd I (399-421). După ce regele a început să-i persecute pe creștini, Iacob a fost ispitit să ia parte la ritualurile mazdeene, devenind astfel apostat. Sub influența familiei sale creștine, el s-a pocăit de apostazia sa și a mers în fața regelui Bahram al V-lea (421-438), succesorul lui Yazdegerd, pentru a-și mărturisi credința creștină. A fost torturat și ucis.<ref>John J. Delaney - Dictionary of saints (Image, 2005), p. 323</ref> Persecuțiile la adresa creștinilor (printre care și moartea lui Iacob Persul) a reprezentat cauza începerii Războiului romano-sasanid (421-422).

Biserica Sfântul Iacob Persul din Cartierul Armean al Ierusalimului îi este dedicată Sf. Iacob Persul.<ref> Adrian J. Boas - Jerusalem in the time of the Crusades (Routledge, 2001), p. 128</ref> Mănăstirea din satul Sireți, (raionul Strășeni, Republica Moldova) îl are ca patron. O parte din moaștele sale se află depuse într-o raclă de sub un baldachin aflat în pronaosul Bisericii "Pogorârea Sf. Duh" a Mănăstirii Dragomirna (județul Suceava, România).

Ziua sa de pomenire este 27 noiembrie.




  • Thieleman J. van Braght - Martyr's Mirror (1660)

Legături externe

Ukrainischer Kalender

Arabischer Kalender

Allgemeiner Kalender Aramäisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Griechisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Georgisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Bulgarisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Mazedonisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Serbisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Russisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Rumänisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Ukrainisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Arabisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Englisch

The Eastern Orthodox cross

Nov. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Nov. 28

All fixed commemorations below are observed on December 10 by Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.<ref group="note">The notation Old Style or (OS) is sometimes used to indicate a date in the Julian Calendar (which is used by churches on the "Old Calendar").
The notation New Style or (NS), indicates a date in the Revised Julian calendar (which is used by churches on the "New Calendar").</ref>

For November 27, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on November 14.


  • Venerable Nathaniel of Nitria (375)<ref>Great Synaxaristes: Vorlage:Gr icon Ὁ Ὅσιος Ναθαναήλ. 27 Νοεμβρίου. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.</ref><ref name=ECCLESIA>Vorlage:Gr icon Συναξαριστής. 27 Νοεμβρίου. ECCLESIA.GR. (H ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ).</ref>
  • Venerable Moses.<ref name=ECCLESIA/><ref>Great Synaxaristes: Vorlage:Gr icon Ὁ Ὅσιος Μωϋσῆς. 27 Νοεμβρίου. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.</ref><ref group="note">He is not recorded in Synaxarion of St. Nicodemus or in the published Menaia. However he is referenced in Parisian Codex 1621, which notes that he came from a place called Fara. He became a monk at a young age and lived ascetically for 85 years in a cave on top of a mountain, with austere fasting and prayer. He reposed in peace.</ref>
  • 17 Monk-martyrs in India (4th century)<ref>17 Monkmartyrs in India. OCA - Lives of the Saints.</ref><ref name=MOSPAT>December 10 / November 27. Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church (A parish of the Patriarchate of Moscow).</ref><ref name=ROCOR>The Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe and the Americas (ROCOR). St. Hilarion Calendar of Saints for the year of our Lord 2004. St. Hilarion Press (Austin, TX). p. 89.</ref>
  • Venerable Pinuphrius of Egypt (4th century)<ref name=ECCLESIA/><ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=ROCOR/><ref>Great Synaxaristes: Vorlage:Gr icon Ὁ Ὅσιος Πινούφριος. 27 Νοεμβρίου. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.</ref>
  • Great-Martyr James of Persia (421)<ref name=ECCLESIA/><ref>Great Synaxaristes: Vorlage:Gr icon Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰάκωβος ὁ Πέρσης. 27 Νοεμβρίου. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.</ref><ref>Greatmartyr James the Persian. OCA - Lives of the Saints.</ref><ref group="note">"In Persia, St. James Intercisus, a distinguished martyr. In the time of Theodosius the Younger, he denied Christ to please king Isdegerdes, but his mother and his wife having for that reason withdrawn from his company, he entered into himself, and returned to the king to declare his faith in our Lord, whereupon the irritated monarch condemned him to be cut to pieces and beheaded. Countless other martyrs suffered at this time in the same country."<ref name=ROMAN>The Roman Martyrology. Transl. by the Archbishop of Baltimore. Last Edition, According to the Copy Printed at Rome in 1914. Revised Edition, with the Imprimatur of His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons. Baltimore: John Murphy Company, 1916. p. 365-366.</ref></ref>
  • Venerable Romanus the Wonderworker of Cilicia (5th century)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=ROCOR/><ref>St Romanus. OCA - Lives of the Saints.</ref><ref group="note">The Holy Monk Romanos was born in the city of Rosa and asceticised in the outskirts of Antioch, acquiring the graced gifts of perspicacity and healing. Through his prayer, the Lord granted many a childless woman the joy of motherhood. Saint Romanos was strict at fasting, and beneath his hairshirt he wore heavy chains. The saint spent many years as an hermit, without lighting up a fire. Having attained to old age, he in peace expired to the Lord.</ref>
  • Venerable Palladius of Thessalonica (6th-7th century)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref>Venerable Palladius of Thessalonica. OCA - Lives of the Saints.</ref>

Pre-Schism Western saints

  • Saints Facundus and Primitivus (c. 300)<ref name=LATIN>November 27. Latin Saints of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Rome.</ref><ref group="note">Born in Léon in Spain, he was beheaded near the River Cea where Sahagun now stands. Later the monastery of Sahagun, around which the present town grew up, was named after St Facundus.</ref><ref group="note">"In Galicia, on the river Caea, the Saints Facundus and Primitivus, who suffered under the governor Atticus."<ref name=ROMAN/></ref>
  • Saint Valerian, Bishop of Aquileia in the north of Italy (389)<ref name=ROMAN/><ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">He succeeded an Arian bishop and he spent his energy fighting that heresy.</ref>
  • Saint John Angeloptes, Bishop of Ravenna in Italy 430-433 (433)<ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">The Greek name Angeloptes means 'the man who saw an angel'. It was given to him because an angel, visible to him alone, came and helped him serve the divine liturgy.</ref>
  • Saint Seachnall (Sechnall), first Bishop of Dunsauglin in Meath in Ireland and later served in Armagh (457)<ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">A disciple of St Patrick. In 433 he became the first Bishop of Dunsauglin in Meath in Ireland and later served in Armagh. He wrote the earliest poem of the Irish Church - an alphabetical hymn in honour of St Patrick.</ref>
  • Saint Maximus of Riez, Abbot of Lérins Abbey in France in 426, he became Bishop of Riez (460)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">He became Bishop of Riez much against his will in 434, and was consecrated by St Hilary. He was one of the most prominent bishops in the Church of Gaul at that time.</ref><ref group="note">"At Riez, in France, St. Maximus, bishop and confessor, who, from his tender years, was endowed with every grace and virtue. Being first superior of the monastery of Lerins, and afterwards bishop of the church of Riez, he was celebrated for the working of miracles and prodigies."<ref name=ROMAN/></ref>
  • Saint Congar of Congresbury, Bishop of Somerset (520)<ref name=MOSPAT/>
  • Saint Siffred of Carpentras (Siffrein, Syffroy, Suffredus), a monk at Lérins Abbey and later Bishop of Carpentras in the south of France (c. 540)<ref name=LATIN/>
  • Saint Severinus, a hermit who lived near Paris in France (c. 540)<ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">"At Paris, the departure from this world of St. Severin, monk and solitary."<ref name=ROMAN/></ref>
  • Saint Gallgo, founder of Llanallgo in Anglesey in Wales (6th century)<ref name=LATIN/>
  • Saint Acharius, Bishop of Noyon-Tournai in Belgium (640)<ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">A monk at Luxeuil in France under St Eustace. In 621 he was chosen Bishop of Noyon-Tournai in Belgium and encouraged the work of St Amandus of Maastricht. Acarius had great influence on the spreading of Christianity in Belgic Gaul.</ref>
  • Saint Bilihildis, foundress of the convent of Altenmünster in Mainz (c. 710)<ref name=LATIN/>
  • Saint Fergus, born in Ireland, he was a bishop who preached among the Picts in Perthshire, Caithness, Buchan and Forfarshire in Scotland (c. 721)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=LATIN/>
  • Saint Vergilius of Salzburg (Fergal), Abbot of St Peter's in Salzburg and Bishop, the Apostle of Carinthia (784)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">"At Salzburg, in Austria, St. Virgilius, bishop, and apostle of Carinthia."<ref name=ROMAN/></ref>
  • Saint Apollinaris, fourteenth Abbot of Montecassino Abbey in Italy, abbot for eleven years (828)<ref name=LATIN/>

Post-Schism Orthodox saints

New martyrs and confessors

  • New Hieromartyr Nicholas, Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal (1937)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=ROCOR/><ref name=PRAVENC/>
  • New Hieromartyrs (1937):
  • Protopresbyters Nicholas Andreyev, Boris Ivanosky and Basil Sokolov, of Moscow;<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=ROCOR/><ref name=PRAVENC/>
  • Priests Alexei Speransky of Moscow, John Glazkov of Alma-Ata and Theodore Dorofiev of Moscow;<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=ROCOR/><ref name=PRAVENC/>
  • Priests Sergius, John Khrustalev, Sergius, Nicholas;<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=PRAVENC/>
  • Archimandrite Cronides of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra;<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=ROCOR/><ref name=PRAVENC/>
  • Hieromonks Ioasaf<ref group="note">See: Vorlage:Ru icon Иоасаф (Боев). Википедии. (Russian Wikipedia).</ref> and Nicholas of Moscow;<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=ROCOR/><ref name=PRAVENC/>
  • Xenophon, Alexei Gavrin,<ref group="note">See: Vorlage:Ru icon Алексий (Гаврин). Википедии. (Russian Wikipedia).</ref> Appolos Fedoseyev, Seraphim and Nikon (1937)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=PRAVENC/>
  • Martyr John Emelyanov (1937)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=PRAVENC/>


Other commemorations

Icon gallery






Greek Sources

Russian Sources

  • Vorlage:Ru icon 10 декабря (27 ноября). Православная Энциклопедия под редакцией Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла (электронная версия). (Orthodox Encyclopedia -

el:Πύλη:Ορθοδοξία/Εορτολόγιο/27 Νοεμβρίου

Allgemeiner Kalender Deutsch

Kalender der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland

Bürgerliches Datum bei Benutzung des Julianischen Kalenders:

Deutscher Heiligenkalender (orthodox)

  • Andreas Ogorodnikow (von Symbirsk), Narr für Christus († 1841)
  • Athanaius von Iveron auf dem Athos, Hieromönch (Todestag, † 1973)
  • Diodorus (Damian) vom Georgshügel, Abt im Kloster Yuriev (Solovki) († 1633)
  • Eubulus, Märtyrer
  • Gregor der Sinait, Mönch (Todestag, † 1346)
  • Jakobus Intercisus ("der Zerschnittene", der Perser), Märtyrer
  • Jakob, Bischof und Wundertäter von Rostov († 1392)
  • 17 Mönche in Indien, Märtyrer († im 4. Jahrhundert)
  • Moses von Palästina, Asket
  • Nathanael von Nitria, Mönch († im 6. Jahrhundert)
  • Nikolaus Dobronrawow, Erzbischof von Vladimir, Märtyrer, und Basilius Sokolow, Erzpriester/Protopresbyter von Moskau, Märtyrer, und Boris Iwanowski (Iwanoskij), Erzpriester/Protopresbyter von Moskau, Märtyrer, und Theodor Dorofeiew (Dorofiew), Priester von Moskau, Märtyrer, und Nikolaus Andrejew, Protopresbyter von Moskau, Märtyrer, und Alexij Speranskij, Priester von Moskau, Märtyrer, und Johannes Glazkow, Priester von Alma-Ata, Märtyrer, und Sergius Brednikow, Priester, Märtyrer, und Johannes, Priester, Märtyrer, und Sergius, Priester, Märtyrer, und Nikolaus, Priester, Märtyrer, und Joasaphos Boew, Priestermönch von Moskau, Märtyrer, und Kronidos Ljubimow, Archimandrit der Dreifaltigkeits-Sergius-Laura, Mönch, Märtyrer, und Nikolaus Saltykow, Priestermönch von Moskau, Märtyrer, und Xenophon, Mönch, Märtyrer, und Alexij, Mönch, Märtyrer, und Apollos, Mönch, Märtyrer, und Seraphim, Mönch, Märtyrer, und Nikolaus, Mönch, Märtyrer, und Johannes, Märtyrer († 1937)
  • Palladius von Thessaloniki († im 6./7. Jahrhundert)
  • Pinuphius von Ägypten, Mönch († im 4. Jahrhundert)
  • Romanos der Wundertäter (von Cilicien), Mönch am Berg Silpius bei Antiochia († im 5. Jahrhundert)
  • Thekla, Märtyrerin
  • Theodosius von Tarnowo, Mönch, Klostergründer am Berg Kelifarewo, Verbreiter des Hesychasmus in Bulgarien († 1363)
  • Vsevolod (Gabriel) von Pskov († 1138, Erhebung der Gebeine im Jahr 1192)
  • "Seraphimo-Wladimir" – Ikone der Heiligsten Gottesmutter
  • Wunder der weinenden Ikone "Vom Zeichen" - Ikone der Heiligsten Gottesmutter in Nowgorod im Jahr 1170
  • Ikonen der Heiligsten Gottesmutter "Vom Zeichen" in Kursk-Root (1295) und "Vom Zeichen" in Abalek (1637) und "Vom Zeichen" in Zarskoe Selo (1747) und "Vom Zeichen", "Seraphimo-Ponetaevka" (1879) und "Vom Zeichen" in Werchnetagilsk (1753) und "Vom Zeichen", "Kortschemnaja" (18. Jahrhundert) und "Vom Zeichen" in Wologda und "Vom Zeichen" in Moskau und "Vom Zeichen" in Wladimir und "Vom Zeichen" in Zlatoust im Ural und "Vom Zeichen" in Solowki

Einzelnachweise (Sammlung)

<references />


Gemeinsame orthodoxe Heilige im Kalender der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland

<ref>Gesellschaft Orthodoxe Medien (Hrsg. im Auftrag der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland): Orthodoxer Liturgischer Kalender 2016 (17. Jahrgang), Dortmund 2015</ref>

Weiteres Gedenken in aramäischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in griechischer Tradition

<ref>Das Synaxarion - die Leben der Heiligen der Orthodoxen Kirche. In 2 Bänden. Gestützt auf die 6-bändige Ausgabe des Hl. Klosters Simonos Petra. Kloster des Hl. Johannes des Vorläufers, Chania (Kreta) 2006, ISBN 960-88698-0-3</ref>

Weiteres Gedenken in georgischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in bulgarischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in mazedonischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in serbischer Tradition

<ref>Nikolaj Velimirović: Der Prolog von Ochrid. Verlag Johannes A. Wolf, Apelern 2009, ISBN 978-3-937912-04-2</ref>

Weiteres Gedenken in russischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in rumänischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in ukrainischer Tradition

Einzelnachweise (Artikelentwurf)

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