Benutzer:Christian/16. April

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Bürgerliches Datum bei Benutzung des Julianischen Kalenders:



All three were sisters from the vicinity of Aquileia. When Emperor Diocletian was staying in Aquileia he ordered that the distinguished spiritual father Chrysogonus be killed. At that time an aged presbyter, Zoilus, had a vision in which the location of the unburied body of Chrysogonus was revealed. Hastening, the elder found the martyred body of Chrysogonus, placed it in a coffin and kept it in his home. Thirty days later, St. Chrysogonus appeared to him, informing him that, in the course of nine days, these three maidens would suffer martyrdom and that he, Zoilus, would also die at that time. The same news was received in a vision by Anastasia the Deliverer from Bonds [a woman endowed with moral and spiritual insight-December 22], who was a disciple of Chrysogonus. Indeed, after nine days the Elder Zoilus died and these three sisters were brought to trial before the emperor. The emperor urged these three maidens to worship idols, but they all refused and confessed their steadfast faith in Christ. Irene told to the emperor that it was foolish to worship things made of stone and wood, which were ordered for an agreed price and made by the hands of a mortal man. The enraged emperor cast them into prison. When the emperor departed for Macedonia, all slaves and prisoners were taken with him, including these three saintly maidens. The emperor turned them over to a certain commander, Dulcitius, for torture. This commander, inflamed by dark passion, wanted to defile the virgins; however, when the commander attempted to enter the prison while the virgins were praying to God, he went insane. He fell among the black cauldrons and pots by the gates and began to embrace and kiss them, departing sooty and blackened. The emperor, upon hearing about this incident, ordered that another commander, Sisinius, take over the trial of these sisters. After prolonged torture, the judge condemned the first two sisters to death by burning, while he detained Irene for a while longer, hoping to defile her. But when the judge sent Irene to a brothel with the soldiers, an angel of God saved this chaste virgin by staving off the soldiers and bringing her to a hill. The next day, the commander and his soldiers went to this hill, but they were unable to ascend it. He then ordered that Irene be shot with arrows. St. Anastasia gathered the bodies of these three sisters into one place and honorably buried them. They all suffered honorably for Christ the King and Lord in about the year 304 A.D.





Russischer Kalender

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Kalender der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland

Bürgerliches Datum bei Benutzung des Julianischen Kalenders:

Deutscher Heiligenkalender (orthodox)

Einzelnachweise (Sammlung)

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Gemeinsame orthodoxe Heilige im Kalender der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland

<ref>Gesellschaft Orthodoxe Medien (Hrsg. im Auftrag der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland): Orthodoxer Liturgischer Kalender 2016 (17. Jahrgang), Dortmund 2015</ref>

Weiteres Gedenken in aramäischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in griechischer Tradition

<ref>Das Synaxarion - die Leben der Heiligen der Orthodoxen Kirche. In 2 Bänden. Gestützt auf die 6-bändige Ausgabe des Hl. Klosters Simonos Petra. Kloster des Hl. Johannes des Vorläufers, Chania (Kreta) 2006, ISBN 960-88698-0-3</ref>

Weiteres Gedenken in georgischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in bulgarischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in mazedonischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in serbischer Tradition

<ref>Nikolaj Velimirović: Der Prolog von Ochrid. Verlag Johannes A. Wolf, Apelern 2009, ISBN 978-3-937912-04-2</ref>

Weiteres Gedenken in russischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in rumänischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in ukrainischer Tradition

Einzelnachweise (Artikelentwurf)

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