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== Deutscher Heiligenkalender (orthodox) ==
== Deutscher Heiligenkalender (orthodox) ==
*Demetrius Spiridonow von Simferopol auf der Krim, Märtyrer († 1938)
*Ephygenia (Iphigneia) von Äthiopien, Nonne, Märtyrerin, Schülerin von Matthäus
*Fulvian, Prinz von "Äthiopien" in Mesopotamien, nach der Taufe Matthäus († im 1. Jahrhundert)
*Hypatius, Bischof von Gangra, Märtyrer († 360)
*Johannes Tswetkow, Priester, Märtyrer, und Nikolaus Troitskij, Priester, Märtyrer, und Viktor Woronow, Priester, Märtyrer, und Basilius Sokolow, Priester, Märtyrer, und Makari Solowiew, Priester, Märtyrer, und Michael Abramow, Erzpriester/Protopresbyter, Märtyrer, und Panteleimon Arzhany von Optina, Mönch, Märtyrer († 1937)"
*Johannes der Fingerlose, Schüler von == Paisius Velichkovsky, Mönch (Todestag, † 1843)
*Matthäus, Apostel, Evangelist, Märtyrer
*Philoumenos vom Jakobs-Brunnen, Priester, Mönch, Märtyrer, getötet durch Juden († 1979)
*Sergius, Abt von Malopinega († 1585)
*Theodor Korolev (Kolierov, Kolerow), Protopresbyter/Erzpriester, Märtyrer, und Ananius Boykov, Märtyrer, und Michael Boldakov, Märtyrer († 1929)
*Titus, Bischof von Bostra, Bekenner unter Julian Apostata († 363/378)

= Einzelnachweise (Sammlung) =
= Einzelnachweise (Sammlung) =

Version vom 17. November 2016, 09:26 Uhr

Aramäischer Kalender

Griechischer Kalender

  • Ματθαίου αποστόλου και ευαγγελιστή
  • Αγίας Ιφιγενείας

Ευαγγελιστής Ματθαίος

Ο Απόστολος Ματθαίος ή Λευί, ήταν ένας εκ των δώδεκα μαθητών και αποστόλων του Ιησού Χριστού. Ο ίδιος αναφέρεται από όλους τους ευαγγελιστές στο μαθητικό κύκλο είτε ως 8ος στην κατάταξη (Μάρκος 3, 18. Λουκάς 6, 15), είτε ως 7ος (Ματθαίος 10, 3. Πράξεις 1, 13), ενώ επίσης αναφέρεται με δύο χαρακτηριστικά ονόματα, δηλαδή πέραν του Ματθαίος και με το Λευί. Οι πληροφορίες σχετικά με το βίο του είναι λιγοστές. Ο ίδιος κατατάσσεται ανάμεσα στους τέσσερις ευαγγελιστές, καθώς είναι συντάκτης του πρώτου συνοπτικού ευαγγελίου, του ονομαζόμενου Κατά Ματθαίον Ευαγγέλιον, όπου τον κατατάσσει ανάμεσα στους γνωστότερους μαθητές του Κυρίου.

Πληροφορίες περί του βίου του

Ταυτότητα και ονομασία

Όπως αναφέρθηκε στον πρόλογο, ο απόστολος καλείται εξόν από Ματθαίος και Λευί. Η αναφορά στο όνομα Λευί γίνεται από τους Μάρκο ( 2,14) και Λουκά (5, 27), ενώ ο Λουκάς μας αναφέρει πως ήταν και υιός του Αλφαίου. Η αναφορά αυτή δεν πρέπει να συγχέεται με την αναφορά πως και ο Απόστολος Ιάκωβος είχε πατέρα ονομαζόμενο Αλφαίο, καθότι αν ήταν αδέρφια θα μνημονευόταν κατά το παράδειγμα των Ανδρέα-Πέτρου και Ιωάννη-Ιακώβου<ref>Γλαβίνας, Οι δώδεκα Απόστολοι, σελ. 88</ref>. Σε ότι αφορά κάποια πιθανή διαφοροποίησή του ως μαθητή του Κυρίου από έτερο μαθητή με το όνομα Λευί, δε χωρά αμφιβολία πως ομιλούμε για το ίδιο άτομο<ref>ο.π.</ref>. Χαρακτηριστικές είναι περιγραφές των τριών ευαγγελιστών που προηγούνται της κλήσης του, περιγράφοντας ουσιαστικά τα ίδια γεγονότα.

Ο Ματθαίος κατά τη συνήθεια των μαθητών του Ιησού, αλλά και των Ιουδαίων είχε δύο ονόματα. Το πρώτο όνομα ήταν Λευίς, ενώ δε γνωρίζουμε πότε ο Ιησούς του έδωσε το όνομα Ματθαίος<ref>Γλαβίνας, Οι δώδεκα Απόστολοι, σελ. 89</ref>. Το Ματθαίος είναι σύντμηση του ονόματος Ματθανίας που σημαίνει δωρημένος από το Θεό, κάτι σαν το αντίστοιχο Θεόδωρος-Θεοδώρητος.

Ο βίος του μέσα από την Καινή Διαθήκη

Ο Ματθαίος μέσα από το δικό του ευαγγέλιο μας δίνει ελάχιστες πληροφορίες περί του βίου του. Η μόνη αναφορά μάλιστα που κάνει, είναι η κλήση του (Ματθαίος 9,9). Σύμφωνα με το ευαγγέλιο ο ίδιος καθόταν κοντά στην Καπερναούμ, στο βόρειο μέρος της λίμνης Γεννησαρέτ μόνος. Καθώς πέρασε ο Κύριος τον κάλεσε κοντά του και ο ίδιος δίχως δισταγμό τον ακολούθησε. Η Καπερναούμ λογικά ήταν η πατρίδα που ο ίδιος ασκούσε το επάγγελμα του τελώνη. Ο τελώνης ήταν κάτι αντίστοιχο του σημερινού φοροεισπράκτορα, μόνο που στην περίπτωσή του δε δούλευε για το Ρωμαϊκό κράτος, αλλά για τον διοικητή Ηρώδη ή για κάποιο επιχειρηματία που δρούσε για λογαριασμό του Ηρώδη<ref>Γλαβίνας, Οι δώδεκα Απόστολοι, σελ. 87</ref>. Εκτός του ιδίου τόσο ο Μάρκος (2, 13-17), όσο και ο Λουκάς (5, 27-32) αναφέρουν το γεγονός, ο Λουκάς όμως διαφοροποιείται από το Ματθαίο καθώς αναφέρει πως η κλήση έγινε πριν την "Επι του όρους ομιλία", ενώ ο Ματθαίος αναφέρει πως η κλήση του έγινε μετά. Ο Ματθαίος φαίνεται μέσα από το κείμενο πως μετά την κλήση του κάλεσε τον Ιησού και τους μαθητές του σε τραπέζι το οποίο παρακάθισαν και πολλοί τελώνες, κάτι που κίνησε την περιέργεια των Φαρισαίων. Από αυτή την περιγραφή διαφαίνεται ότι ο Ματθαίος ήταν προφανώς αρκετά εύπορος<ref>Γλαβίνας, Οι δώδεκα Απόστολοι, σελ. 88</ref>.

Χαρακτηριστικό της προσωπικότητας του είναι πως και μετά την κλήση του διατήρησε τον προσωνύμιο τελώνης (Ματθαίος 10, 3), πολύ πιθανώς κατά τον Ευθύμιο Ζιγαβηνό "εις οικείαν εξουθένωσιν"<ref>PG 129, 324</ref>. Ο Ευσέβιος Καισαρείας μας αναφέρει πως ίδιον την προσωπικότητάς του ήταν η ταπεινοφροσύνη<ref>Εκκλησιαστική Ιστορία 3, 5</ref>. Ο ίδιος σαν τελώνης λογικά γνώριζε εκτός από την αραμαϊκή γλώσσα και την ελληνική, ενώ δε φαίνεται από κάπου πως νωρίτερα ήταν μαθητής του Προδρόμου Ιωάννη<ref>Γλαβίνας, Οι δώδεκα Απόστολοι, σελ. 90.</ref>. Θα πρέπει επίσης να τονιστεί πως γενικά παραμένει αφανής μέσα στα ευαγγέλια, αλλά και στην ύστερη σταδιοδρομία του. Μέχρι το θάνατο του Στεφάνου, ο Ματθαίος φαίνεται να έμεινε στα Ιεροσόλυμα.

Έτερες πηγές

Η εκκλησιαστική παράδοση δεν αναφέρει πολλά στοιχεία για για το βίο του Ευαγγελιστή Ματθαίου. Κατά τον Κλήμη Αλεξανδρείας ο Ματθαίος ήταν άνδρας ιδιαίτερα ασκητικός<ref>PG 8, 404</ref>. Η άποψη όμως αυτή είναι πιθανό να προέρχεται από σύγχυση με τον Απόστολο Ματθία, από του οποίου το απόκρυφο ευαγγέλιο παραθέτει συχνά χωρία. Η θέση αυτή ενισχύεται και από το ότι ο Ευσέβιος παρουσιάζει το Ματθία ως υποστηρικτή της αποχής από το κρέας<ref>Εκκλησιαστική Ιστορία 3, 19</ref>. Κατά την παράδοση ο Ματθαίος κήρυξε στην αρχή και για αρκετό καιρό στην Παλαιστίνη, και γι αυτό το λόγο έγραψε και αρχικώς το ευαγγέλιο του στα αραμαϊκά<ref>Ευσέβιος Εκκλ. Ιστορία 3, 39, 16</ref>, άποψη που διασώζει και ο Παπίας Ιεραπόλεως και συμφωνούν οι Ειρηναίος, Ωριγένης και Επιφάνιος<ref>Γλαβίνας, ενθ.αν., σελ. 91</ref>.

Μετά την φυγή του από την Παλαιστίνη σύμφωνα με τα απόκρυφα ευαγγέλια κήρυξε στην Αραβία, την Περσία, τη Συρία, τη Μηδία, τη Μακεδονία και κυρίως στην Αιθιοπία και την Παρθία όπου και πέθανε.


<references />


  • Απόστολος Γλαβίνας, Οι Δώδεκα Απόστολοι, Τέρτιος, Κατερίνη 1993.

Διαβάστε επίσης

Κατά Ματθαίον Ευαγγέλιον

Ματθαίος Μ Μ Μ Μ

Georgischer Kalender

Bulgarischer Kalender

Mazedonischer Kalender

Serbischer Kalender

Bürgerliches Datum bei Benutzung des Julianischen Kalenders:



Matthew, son of Alphaeus, was a tax collector when the Lord saw him in Capernaum and said: Follow Me. And he arose, and followed Him (Matthew 9:9). After that, Matthew prepared a reception for the Lord in his home and thus provided the occasion for the Lord to express several great truths about His coming to earth. After receiving the Holy Spirit, Matthew preached the Gospel to the Parthians, Medes and Ethiopians. In Ethiopia he appointed his follower Plato as bishop, and withdrew to prayerful solitude on a mountain, where the Lord appeared to him. Matthew baptized the wife and the son of the prince of Ethiopia, at which the prince became greatly enraged and dispatched a guard to bring Matthew to him for trial. The soldiers returned to the prince saying that they had heard Matthew's voice, but could not see him with their eyes. The prince then sent a second guard. When this guard approached the apostle, he shone with a heavenly light so powerful that the soldiers could not look at him; filled with fear, they threw down their weapons and returned. The prince then went himself. Matthew radiated such light that the prince was instantly blinded. However, the holy apostle had a compassionate heart; he prayed to God, and the prince was given back his sight. Unfortunately, he saw only with physical eyes and not spiritual eyes. He arrested Matthew and subjected him to cruel tortures. Twice, a large fire was lighted on his chest, but the power of God preserved him alive and unharmed. Then the apostle prayed to God and gave up his spirit. The prince commanded that the martyr's body be placed in a lead coffin and thrown into the sea. The saint appeared to Bishop Plato and told him where the coffin bearing his body could be found. The bishop retrieved the coffin with Matthew's body from the sea. Witnessing this new miracle, the prince was baptized and received the name Matthew. After that, the prince left all the vanity of the world and became a presbyter and served the Church in a God-pleasing way. When Plato died, the Apostle Matthew appeared to the presbyter Matthew and counseled him to accept the episcopacy. He accepted the bishopric and, for many years, was a good shepherd until the Lord called him to His Immortal Kingdom. St. Matthew the Apostle wrote his Gospel in the Aramaic language. It was soon after translated into Greek and the Greek text has come down to us, while the Aramaic text has been lost. It is said of this evangelist that he never ate meat, but only vegetables and fruit.


Sergius was a Russian parish priest who lived a God-pleasing life and served for sixty-two years in the province of Vologda. He peacefully entered into rest in the Lord on November 16, 1585 A.D., at the age of ninety-two.



To His Holy Apostle Matthew,

The Lord appeared in the land of the blacks,

Giving great comfort to the tortured warrior,

And great strength to his heroic soul.

The Lord gave him a staff from His hand,

And told Matthew to plant it in front of the church.

He told him that it would grow green with life and blossom with various colors,

And bear sweet fruit for everyone to enjoy.

A spring would flow from beneath its roots--

A spring of cool water for those who thirst.

The face of whomever would partake of it with thanksgiving

Would shine with a wondrous light.

The apostle did as the Lord said,

And the wood budded forth, and was adorned with blossoms,

And living water flowed from its roots,

And the church was filled with a multitude of people.

Whoever was sick, was healed;

Whoever was healthy, became healthier still.

The blacks were blessed, their faces radiant,

And this fierce people became God's vineyard.

O wondrous tree, would that we could have it!

But we do have it, brethren; all of us have it!

It is Christ the Lord, the Lord of Hosts--

He is the Tree of Life; by Him we are saved.


Does the Lord's command about ceaseless prayer, that men ought always to pray (Luke 18:1), apply only to monks or to all Christians in general? If it applied only to monks, the Apostle Paul would not have written to the Christians in Thessalonica to pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17). The Apostle repeats the Lord's command, word for word, and issues it to all Christians without distinction, whether monks or laymen. St. Gregory Palamas lived a life of asceticism for some time as a young hieromonk in a monastery in Beroea. The elder Job, a well-known ascetic whom everyone respected, lived in that monastery. It happened that, in elder Job's presence, St. Gregory quoted the Apostle's words, asserting that ceaseless prayer is the obligation of every Christian and not just for monks. However, elder Job replied that ceaseless prayer is the obligation of the monk only, and not for every Christian. Gregory, as the younger of the two, yielded and withdrew in silence. When Job returned to his cell and stood at prayer, an angel in great heavenly glory appeared to him and said: "O Elder, do not doubt the truthfulness of Gregory's words; he spoke correctly and you should think likewise and pass it on to others." Thus, both the Apostle and the angel confirmed the commandment that all Christians must pray to God without ceasing. Not only without ceasing in church, but also without ceasing in every place and at all times, and especially in your heart. For if God does not for a moment tire of giving us good things, how can we tire of thanking Him for these good things? When He thinks of us without ceasing, why do we not think of Him without ceasing?


Contemplate the creation of the world (Genesis 1):

1. How on the third day God divided the dry land from the water;

2. How He commanded the earth to bring forth grass and fruit-bearing trees;

3. How this was according to the Word of God, and it was good.


on Christ's dwelling in the hearts of the faithful

… that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye [may be] rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17).

With faith, Christ comes into the heart, and with Christ comes love. Thus man is rooted and grounded in love. First then, there is faith; then with faith comes Christ's presence in the heart; then with Christ's presence, the presence of love; and with love, all ineffable goodness. In a few words, the Apostle delineates the whole ladder of perfection. The beginning is faith and the end is love; and faith and love are joined in a living, undivided unity by the Living Lord Jesus Christ's presence in the heart. By strengthening faith, we further abolish the distance between ourselves and the Lord Jesus Christ. The stronger one's faith, the closer one is to Christ. Ultimately, one's heart is filled with Christ and cannot be separated from Christ, just as one's lung cannot be separated from the air. Then a man may, with tears of joy, communicate with Christ by the prayer of the heart--"Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner--and the heart is imperceptibly filled with light and ardent love. In this way, love is united with faith and hope; and when they are united, the boundaries between them are lost, so that man cannot even think of determining of how far faith goes, and where hope and love begin. When the living Christ dwells in a man, then he no longer perceives faith, hope or love in himself, nor does he name them. Instead, he sees only Christ and names only Him. This is just like a fruit-grower in autumn who considers the ripe fruit on the tree, and speaks no more of blossoms and leaves but of fruit, ripe fruit.

O Lord Jesus Christ, supreme height of all our endeavors and the destination of all our travels, draw near to us and save us.

To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.

Russischer Kalender

  • Hl. Apostel und Evangelist MATTHÄUS
  • Neomrt. THEODOR, der Priester und mit ihm Mrtt. ANANIAS und MICHAEL
  • Neomrt. Demetrios
  • Hl. FULVIANUS, Fürst von Äthiopien (in der Hl. Taufe Matthäus)
  • Hl. SERGIUS, Abt von Malopinega

Rumänischer Kalender

Sfinții zilei

  • Sf. Apostol și Evanghelist Matei
  • Sf. Serghie de Malopinega
  • Sf. Eucher din Lyon
  • Sf. Ier. Toma cel Nou, Patriarhul Constantinopolului


  • 1849 - Un tribunal rus l-a condamnat pe scriitorul ortodox rus Dostoievski la moarte pentru activități anti-guvernamentale; execuția lui a fost anulată în ultimul moment, pedeapsa fiind comutată în exil în Siberia
  • 1881 - La București a fost înființată Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă
  • 1982 - P.S. Episcop Adrian Hrițcu este ridicat la rangul de Arhiepiscop



  • 1272 - Regele Henric III al Angliei (n. 1 octombrie 1207)
  • 1364 - Nicolae Alexandru, domn al Țării Românești (1352-1364), fiu al lui Basarab I. Benutzer:Methodios/Nicolae Alexandru



Sinaxar 16 Noiembrie

În această lună, în ziua a şaisprezecea, pomenirea Sfântului Apostol şi Evanghelist Matei.

Acest dumnezeiesc apostol, şezând la vamă, a auzit pe Domnul zicându-i: "Urmează Mie". Şi el în ceasul acela a lăsat toate şi a urmat Domnului, făcând găzduire Domnului în casa sa mare, precum spune el însuşi în Evanghelia sa. Iar de atunci şi în urmă a fost împreună înnumărat cu ceilalţi apostoli. După ce a primit puterea Sfântului Duh, în ziua Cincizecimii, şi s-a înţelepţit cu cele dumnezeieşti, atunci a scris Evanghelia sa pe limba evreiască; după opt ani de la înălţarea lui Hristos, a trimis Evanghelia la evreii cei nou luminaţi. Şi după ce a învăţat pe parţi şi pe mideni şi le-a aşezat lor biserici, şi multe minuni a făcut, în urmă şi-a luat sfârşitul prin foc prin cei necredincioşi. Iar când era încă în viaţă, acest dumnezeiesc apostol, ceilalţi împreună ucenici şi apostoli înconjurau fiecare locul şi cetatea, ce-i cădea la sorţi, propovăduind Evanghelia lui Hristos. Iar acesta la parţi aflându-se, s-a suit singur într-un munte şi a zăbovit acolo, având o singură haină şi fără de acoperământ. După ce a trecut câtva vreme, i s-a arătat lui Dumnezeu ca un prunc, Cel ce a zidit din pământ pe om, şi, întinzându-Şi dreapta Sa, a dat apostolului un toiag şi i-a zis: "Ia aceasta şi, pogorându-te din munte şi mergând la cetatea Mirmina, sădeşte toiagul acesta înaintea uşii bisericii de acolo, unde făcând rădăcini şi înălţându-se din mâna Mea cea dreaptă, se va face copac mult-roditor; şi din vârful crengilor sale se va pogorî mursa de miere, iar din rădăcina sa va ieşi izvor de apă, cu care spălându-se oamenii cetăţii, cei cu mintea de fiară, şi din mursa copacului împărtăşindu-se, li se vor îndulci simţirile şi vor înceta a mai face fărădelegi.

Atunci Matei, primind cu cucernicie toiagul cel dat de Domnul, s-a pogorât din munte şi s-a dus la Mirmina. Iar femeia împăratului parţilor, Fulvana cu numele, având demon viclean, a întâmpinat pe apostol împreună fiind ea cu fiul şi cu fiica-sa, care şi aceştia erau ţinuţi de duhuri necurate. Şi toţi, cu glasuri aspre şi cu săltări sălbatice, strigau în preajma apostolului, zicând: "Cine te-a silit ca să vii aicea şi la locurile noastre? Sau cine este Cel ce ţi-a dat ţie toiagul acesta spre pierzarea noastră?" Atunci apostolul lui Hristos cu glas liniştit a certat duhurile cele necurate, iar pe cei ce pătimeau şi se aflau în zbuciumări i-a vindecat şi i-a făcut pe ei să urmeze lui cu bună rânduială şi cu minte.

Iar episcopul cetăţii aceleia, Platon cu numele, aflând de venirea sfântului, a ieşit afară împreună cu clerul şi l-a întâmpinat, şi amândoi împreună au intrat în cetate înaintea tuturor. Atunci apostolul, înfigând toiagul în pământ, a slăvit pe Dumnezeu, Cel ce i s-a arătat lui ca un prunc şi i-a poruncit să facă aceasta. Şi, o, minune!, îndată toiagul cel uscat a prins rădăcină şi a făcut crengi şi roadă a dat, care pica mursa de miere, precum a zis Domnul. Lângă rădăcina copacului s-a făcut o fântână, ce izvora apă prea curată şi prea dulce, încât toţi cei ce treceau pe acolo s-au spăimântat de această minune. Şi fiindcă vestea aceasta s-a împrăştiat în toate părţile cetăţii, alergau împreună mulţimile ca să vadă minunea. Cei care gustau din dulceaţa copacului şi se spălau cu apa din izvor lepădau îndată toată nebunia şi cruzimea cea sălbatică din sufletul lor, pe care o aveau cu înşelăciune din pricina închinării la idoli. Dar multe pătimind de la împărat, apostolul Domnului prin foc şi-a primit sfârşitul. În urmă însă, a făcut pe împăratul să se întoarcă la credinţa lui Hristos prin minunea ce au făcut moaştele lui. Împăratul, botezându-se, a luat numele Matei şi a zdrobit idolii, a înduplecat pe supuşii săi şi au crezut toţi în Hristos. Apoi şi episcop făcându-se, a lăsat după moarte episcopia fiului său, după aşezământul ce prin vedenie i-a făcut lui dumnezeiescul apostol.

Cu ale lor sfinte rugăciuni, Doamne, miluieşte-ne şi ne mântuieşte pe noi. Amin.

Viaţa şi pătimirea Sfîntului Apostol şi Evanghelist Matei

Benutzer:Methodios/Apostolul Matei

Toma al II-lea al Constantinopolului

Cel întru sfinți Părintele nostru Toma al II-lea a fost Patriarh al Constantinopolului pe la mijlocul secolului al VII-lea. În timpul vremurilor tulburi ale disputelor hristologice, el a fost și a rămas ortodox în credință și învățătură. El este pomenit de Biserica Ortodoxă în 16 noiembrie.

Se cunosc puține lucruri despre viața sa. Toma a fost în slujba patriarhiei slujind ca scrib, refendarius, cancelar al patriarhiei și director al unui adăpost pentru bătrâni (gerokomeion) și a adăpostului pentru săraci (ptochotropheion) din Nafplio. Toma a fost ales patriarh din rândul diaconilor după șase luni și jumătate de la moartea predecesorului său, Patriarhul Petru. Hirotonirea sa a avut loc în Sâmbăta Mare din anul 665.

Perioada păstoririi sale este nesigură deoarece izvoarele vorbesc de perioade diferite. Perioada diferă între doi ani și șapte luni, conform cu Nichifor, până la trei ani la Teofan, și chiar la patru ani și șapte luni în lista lui Leoglavius. Patriarhul Toma a adormit în Domnul în anul 669.


Precedat de: Petru

Patriarh al Constantinopolului 667–669

Urmat de: Ioan al V-lea

Categorie:Sfinți Categorie:Episcopi Categorie:Patriarhi ai Constantinopolului

Ukrainischer Kalender

Arabischer Kalender

استعرض مصدر متى الرسول

أسم متى:

من الاسم العبري "مثتيا" الذي معناه "عطية يهوه" وهو احد الاثني عشر رسولاً وكاتب الانجيل المعروف بـ إنجيل متى و اسمه ايضاً لاوي ابن حلفى (مرقس 2: 14 و لوقا 5: 27 و 29 قارن مع متى 10: 2-42).


مهنة متى الرسول كانت الجباية وكانت مهنة محتقرة بين اليهود.

التبشير و الاستشهاد:

بشّر في بلاد فارس و أثيوبيا حيث يُعتقد أنه رُسم أسقفاً. مات شهيداً.وزعم يوسيبيوس أنه بشر اليهود. الأب مكاريوس يقول أنه بشّر في منبج السورية ومات طاعناً في السن. ولم يذكر سفره إلى أثيوبيا.


تعيد له الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية في 16 تشرين الثاني


  • قاموس الكتاب المقدس
  • دائرة المعارف الكتابية
  • كتاب سألتني فأجبتك

Allgemeiner Kalender Aramäisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Griechisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Georgisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Bulgarisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Mazedonisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Serbisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Russisch

Ökumenische Heilige

  • Hl. Apostel und Evangelist MATTHÄUS
  • Neomrt. THEODOR, der Priester und mit ihm Mrtt. ANANIAS und MICHAEL
  • Neomrt. Demetrios
  • Hl. FULVIANUS, Fürst von Äthiopien (in der Hl. Taufe Matthäus)
  • Hl. SERGIUS, Abt von Malopinega

Westliche Heilige

  • Hl. OTMAR von St. Gallen, Bischof und Klostergründer

Allgemeiner Kalender Rumänisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Ukrainisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Arabisch

Allgemeiner Kalender Englisch

The Eastern Orthodox cross

Nov. 15 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Nov. 17

All fixed commemorations below are observed on November 29 by Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.<ref group="note">The notation Old Style or (OS) is sometimes used to indicate a date in the Julian Calendar (which is used by churches on the "Old Calendar").
The notation New Style or (NS), indicates a date in the Revised Julian calendar (which is used by churches on the "New Calendar").</ref>

For November 16, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on November 3.


  1. There is a LOCAL Greek account in existence that refers to a Saint Iphigenia from the first century, that is commemorated on November 16th as "Saint Iphigenia the Virgin-Martyr of Pontus" , maytyred in 68 AD at the age of 15.<ref name=ARCHIM-DOROTHEOS/>
  2. There is a different account of a first century "Iphigenia of Ethiopia" as recollected in the West in the Golden Legend (September 21), of an Ethiopian princess that was converted by Saint Matthew the Apostle and afterwards was consecrated to God.
  • Therefore, it is possible that were two distinct Saints named "Iphigenia", both dating from the first century: one from Pontus who was martyred in 68 AD aged 15, and a different one from "Ethiopia". Otherwise there has been a conflation of different traditions regarding this Saint.</ref>

Pre-Schism Western saints

  • Saint Fidentius, an early saint in Padua in Italy (2nd century)<ref name=LATIN>November 16. Latin Saints of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Rome.</ref><ref group="note">"At Padua, St. Fidentius, bishop."<ref name=ROMAN>The Roman Martyrology. Transl. by the Archbishop of Baltimore. Last Edition, According to the Copy Printed at Rome in 1914. Revised Edition, with the Imprimatur of His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons. Baltimore: John Murphy Company, 1916. p. 353-354.</ref></ref>
  • Martyrs Elpidius, Marcellus, Eustochius and Companions (362)<ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">An official at the court of the Emperor Constantius, he was demoted by Julian the Apostate. He and others were dragged tied to the tails of wild horses. Finally they were all burnt at the stake.</ref><ref group="note">"The same day, the holy martyrs Elpidius, Marcellus, Eustochius, and their companions. Elpidius being a senator, and having perseveringly confessed the Christian faith before Julian the Apostate, was, with his companions, first tied to wild horses and dragged by them, and then being thrown into the fire, ended a glorious martyrdom."<ref name=ROMAN/></ref>
  • Saint Eucherius of Lyons (449)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">He became a monk at Lérins in France in 422 and his wife Galla became a nun. Two of their sons became bishops. In 434 he became Bishop of Lyons and in 441 he presided the Council of Orange with St Hilary and several of his ascetic works still exist.</ref><ref group="note">"At Lyons, the birthday of St. Eucherius, bishop and confessor, a man of extraordinary faith and learning. He renounced the senatorial dignity to embrace the religious life, and for a long time voluntarily shut himself up in a cavern, where he served Christ in prayer and fasting. Afterwards, through the revelation of an angel, he was solemnly installed in the episcopal chair of the city of Lyons."<ref name=ROMAN/></ref>
  • Saints Rufinus, Mark, Valerius and Companions, martyrs in North Africa.<ref name=LATIN/><ref name=ROMAN/>
  • Saint Afan, a bishop who gave his name to the church of Llanafan in Powys in Wales (6th century)<ref name=LATIN/>
  • Saint Africus, Bishop of Comminges in France, celebrated for his zeal for Orthodoxy (7th century)<ref name=LATIN/>
  • Saint Gobrain, a monk who became Bishop of Vannes in Brittany and at the age of eighty-seven went to live as a hermit (725)<ref name=LATIN/>
  • Saint Otmar, abbot and monastic founder in Switzerland (759)<ref name=MOSPAT/><ref name=LATIN/><ref name=ROMAN/><ref group="note">Of Germanic origin and already a priest, in 720 he was appointed Abbot of St Gall in Switzerland. Under him a period of prosperity began for the monastery, which soon became the most important in Switzerland. He was persecuted by two lords, unjustly slandered and condemned. He bore his sufferings with great patience, reposing in prison.</ref>
  • Saint Lubuinus, missionary to Friesland (773)<ref name=MOSPAT/>
  • Saint Ælfric of Abingdon (Aelfric), monk and Abbot of Abingdon, later Bishop of Wilton and twenty-ninth Archbishop of Canterbury in 995 (1005)<ref name=LATIN/><ref group="note">He governed the Church ably in the critical times of the Danish invasion of Kent.</ref><ref group="note">"ST. ALFRICK, or ALRIC, professed the monastic life and was made Abbot of Abingdon. From that office he was promoted to be Bishop of Wilton, and lastly, on the death of Siric, he became Archbishop of Canterbury. He is said to have ruled his church in a most religious manner during eleven years, which the incursions of the Danes contributed to make a most difficult time. After that he was called to the reward of his labours, and buried in his Cathedral Church, being counted as one of the many Saints whom God granted to the Metropolitan See."<ref name=STANTON>Rev. Richard Stanton. A Menology of England and Wales, or, Brief Memorials of the Ancient British and English Saints Arranged According to the Calendar, Together with the Martyrs of the 16th and 17th Centuries. London: Burns & Oates, 1892. pp. 544-550.</ref></ref>

Post-Schism Orthodox saints

New martyrs and confessors

Vorlage:Ru icon: 5 марта 2010 года Священный синод Русской православной церкви постановил:
«включить имя священномученика Филумена (Хасаписа) в месяцеслов Русской Православной Церкви с установлением празднования его памяти 16/29 ноября, как это установлено в Иерусалимской Церкви».

Both Patriarchates placed his feast day on November 16 (ns) / 29 (os). However churches on the New Calendar place his feast day directly on November 29 (ns).</ref> (see also: November 29 )

Other commemorations

Icon gallery






Greek Sources

Russian Sources

  • Vorlage:Ru icon 29 ноября (16 ноября). Православная Энциклопедия под редакцией Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла (электронная версия). (Orthodox Encyclopedia -

Category:Eastern Orthodox liturgical days

Thomas II of Constantinople

Our father among the saints Thomas II was Patriarch of Constantinople during the middle of the seventh century. During the troubled times of the Christological disputes he was Orthodox in his faith and teaching. He is commemorated by the Church on November 16.

Little is known of his life. Thomas was in the service of the patriarchate in which he served as a scribe, a refendarius, a chancellor of the Patriarchate, and director of the Scala Gerokoeion and the Neapolis Ptochotropheion. Thomas was elected patriarch from the diaconate over six and a half months after the repose of his predecessor, Patriarch Peter. His consecration has been dated as on Holy Saturday in the year 665.

The length of his rule as patriarch is uncertain as sources differ as to it length. The sources vary from two years and seven months according to Nicephoros, to three years by Theophanes, to four years and seven months on Leoglavious' list. Patriarch Thomas reposed in 669

Preceded by: Peter

Patriarch of Constantinople 667–669

Succeeded by: John V


Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Category:7th-century bishops Category:7th-century saints

Allgemeiner Kalender Deutsch

Kalender der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland

Bürgerliches Datum bei Benutzung des Julianischen Kalenders:

Deutscher Heiligenkalender (orthodox)

  • Demetrius Spiridonow von Simferopol auf der Krim, Märtyrer († 1938)
  • Ephygenia (Iphigneia) von Äthiopien, Nonne, Märtyrerin, Schülerin von Matthäus
  • Fulvian, Prinz von "Äthiopien" in Mesopotamien, nach der Taufe Matthäus († im 1. Jahrhundert)
  • Hypatius, Bischof von Gangra, Märtyrer († 360)
  • Johannes Tswetkow, Priester, Märtyrer, und Nikolaus Troitskij, Priester, Märtyrer, und Viktor Woronow, Priester, Märtyrer, und Basilius Sokolow, Priester, Märtyrer, und Makari Solowiew, Priester, Märtyrer, und Michael Abramow, Erzpriester/Protopresbyter, Märtyrer, und Panteleimon Arzhany von Optina, Mönch, Märtyrer († 1937)"
  • Johannes der Fingerlose, Schüler von == Paisius Velichkovsky, Mönch (Todestag, † 1843)
  • Matthäus, Apostel, Evangelist, Märtyrer
  • Philoumenos vom Jakobs-Brunnen, Priester, Mönch, Märtyrer, getötet durch Juden († 1979)
  • Sergius, Abt von Malopinega († 1585)
  • Theodor Korolev (Kolierov, Kolerow), Protopresbyter/Erzpriester, Märtyrer, und Ananius Boykov, Märtyrer, und Michael Boldakov, Märtyrer († 1929)
  • Titus, Bischof von Bostra, Bekenner unter Julian Apostata († 363/378)

Einzelnachweise (Sammlung)

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Gemeinsame orthodoxe Heilige im Kalender der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland

<ref>Gesellschaft Orthodoxe Medien (Hrsg. im Auftrag der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland): Orthodoxer Liturgischer Kalender 2016 (17. Jahrgang), Dortmund 2015</ref>

Weiteres Gedenken in aramäischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in griechischer Tradition

<ref>Das Synaxarion - die Leben der Heiligen der Orthodoxen Kirche. In 2 Bänden. Gestützt auf die 6-bändige Ausgabe des Hl. Klosters Simonos Petra. Kloster des Hl. Johannes des Vorläufers, Chania (Kreta) 2006, ISBN 960-88698-0-3</ref>

Weiteres Gedenken in georgischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in bulgarischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in mazedonischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in serbischer Tradition

<ref>Nikolaj Velimirović: Der Prolog von Ochrid. Verlag Johannes A. Wolf, Apelern 2009, ISBN 978-3-937912-04-2</ref>

Weiteres Gedenken in russischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in rumänischer Tradition

Weiteres Gedenken in ukrainischer Tradition

Einzelnachweise (Artikelentwurf)

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